AR0-8972-13-C · Verex™ Cert+ Cap (pre-assembled), 9mm, Screw top, w/ Bonded-in PTFE/Silicone preSlit septa, blue, 1000/Pk. USD 398.00 (1000/Pk)
AR0-8972-13-C · Verex™ Cert+ Cap (pre-assembled), 9mm, Screw top, w/ Bonded-in PTFE/Silicone preSlit septa, blue, 1000/Pk. USD 398.00 (1000/Pk)
We offer B;ue screw cap with PTFE/silicon speta , with pre-slit septa and bonded septa. We appreciate that selecting the correct chromatography vial is not
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AIjiren is Screw top thread glass high recovery sample vials and PTFE septa China Supplier. At time, 1.3ml Thread hign receovery autosampler Vials Bottles
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Waters is a leading manufacturer of analytical instrumentation and consumable products. We understand the Vial, Cap and Pre-slit Silicone/PTFE Septum.
Other manufacturers offer only a narrow selection of vial "kits." But Aijiren lets you Clear vials, blue screw caps, pre-slit blue PTFE silicone septa.
Our manufacturing capabilities offer standard and custom lab vial solutions most diverse selection of chromatography lab vial solutions and microplates.
PEKYBIO HPLC Pre-Slit 9-425 Screw Thread Vial Blue Caps, 2ml autosampler Vial caps, 9mm, Red PTFE/White Silicone Septa, 100 pcs/pk.
Jul 31, 2020 Aijiren is a company that has been engaged in the production of HPLC Sample vial for more than ten years, and we are also a supplier, ...
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Vials are available with or without graduated marking spots. You may choose from bonded PTFE/Silicone or bonded PTFE/Silicone with slit septa. Our sealed and