RSA glass vials and inserts are ideal for all chromatography applications, Caps, light blue with fitted ultra pure silicone/PTFE septa, 100/pack.
High purity Silicone/PTFE septa are optimised for GC and headspace analysis. UltraBond. With the UltraBond seal system, the cap and septum form a one-piece
Septum description. Hardness. Thickness. Pack of. 70283. N 8 aluminium crimp cap, silver, center hole. PTFE virginal, white. 53° shore D. 0.25 mm. 100 / PE
Septum, PTFE/Butyl septa are suitable to overcome the degradation, which happens due to prolonged high temperatures, commonly observed in silicone rubber ...
Use amber bottles for light-sensitive applications. Septa bottles have. Polypropylene cap with PTFE/silicone septum inserted. Septa Packers and Jars:.
The inner body of each Omnifit® Labware cap is made from PTFE, 2 x 10μm PE frits ... The most common format for column chromatography is to use.
Your sample, the type of vial, cap and septa, the solvent used, and the type of Combination septum (Ex. PTFE/Silicone) has the resistance of the facing ...
Select from polypropylene (PP), polyethylene (PE) or magnetic silver caps with various septum materials. Caps are available in different sizes, colors, septum
Autosampler Vials, Plates, and Seals for Use with Alliance HPLC Systems . Crimp caps squeeze the septum between the vial's rim and the crimped aluminum ...
Patched Cap Color Septum. Cat. No. Pack of. Convenience Kit, 9mm 200µL. Fused Insert Screw Vial. Clear. Yes. Blue. Bonded Clear PTFE/Clear Silicone.
Standard Opening—12 x 32mm Crimp Top Vials, Caps, Septa and Inserts PTFE/Silicone septa are most popular for HPLC and IC applications.
Features and Advantages · Reseal™ design allows the septum to be resealed after it has been penetrated for repeated additions of reagents or in-situ sampling.
20mm Magnetic Crimp Cap w/PTFE/Silicone Septum (tan/white) with 8mm Hole, 1,000-pk. (22832) For use with headspace autosamplers that employ magnetic arms to ...
Results 1 - 30 of 83 2in1 KIT, Vials with polypropylene screw cap and septum ... volume 2 mL, clear glass vial, thread for 8-425, PTFE liner. View Pricing ...
Our portfolio contains autosampler vials and caps for HPLC and GC for all common instrument manufacturers, such as Waters, Aijiren, Shimadzu and others.